Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SEO Tools

I'm going to share with al of you huge collection of SEO Tools that can really help you all doing optimization of web sites.

With help of these Tools you can cut down your manual working hours on making reports related to stuffs like: keyword analysis, Competitors analysis, Domains Analysis and so on...

Tools Related To Domains
Basic Domain Analysis:-

This will offer you: TLD Availability, Domain Name: , Status: , Registrar:, Whois Server:, Referral URL:, Expiration Date: , Creation Date: , Last Update Date:, Name Servers: , IP Address: , IP Location:, Website Status:, Server Type: , Alexa Trend/Rank:, Page Views per Visit: , Cache Date: , Registrant: , Contact info of Domain

2. Server Information:

3. Domain Way Back Check tool: This tool will give you detailed view of sites way back history. From day of creation to till date how your/any site has gone through different phases.

Keyword Research & Analysis
1. Keyword Suggestion Tools:

2. Keyword Density Analysis:

Competitors analysis Tools
To check out how you competitors are performing on major search engines go for this:

Page Rank Check
To check Page rank or trust rank go for these:

Reciprocal Link Checking Tool:

Back Link check tool:Offer you all the back link along with Anchor Text, PR and Outbound links on that page.

Meta Tags Analysis:

Tools for Different Google Data Canters
In order to check your PR, Indexed Pages, Back Links and so on ...ON different Google Data Centers check out these:

Check SERPs on GOOGLE:
This is very important Tool that will let you know about your web site performance on GOOGLE i.e for which keyword you are doing TOP on GOOGLE.

SiteMap Generator Tools
1. XML sitemaps: Maximum 500 pages will be indexed in sitemap. Both HTML and XML Sitemaps & Text Sitemaps as well.

2. A1 Sitemap Generator: Unlimited Pages. Both HTML and XML Sitemaps

"Do Remember to Update Your Bookmarks List if you find this informative. USE Bookmarks button available on Top Right Corner.


SEO & Internet Marketing Specialist


Ukion said...

this is good post. can I use some post information in my blog?

Ukion said...

Try Ukion Tag Generator for easy creation of Technorati tags for your blog posts. It's Visual, on-site editing and preview, CSS support, SEO optimized.
Try it at:

GSL SEO Analyst said...

Hey thanks for your appreciation.

you are welcome to use information as per required by you.All I need would be link back to my blog wherever you are going to publish my content and i think that's quite fair as well..

BTW your link is not working

Ukion said...

You can try now. It's working.

For technorati authority try my viral linking.

Visit my site:

and add list as your post. After that I will ad you to the my list.

For free I will add your link to my link exchange section because your site have very useful information.

Ukion said...

Word Wide SEO: Do you want heavy traffic for you blog - Receive up to 1,000,000 unique visitors for FREE(no sign in, or validation):
Try it, its free: click HERE, and play the game.

GSL SEO Analyst said...

detector...your link is not working...

and yes way to attract traffic was nice

Ukion said...

which link? There is two links.

PS. I add your site to my link exchange section.

Ukion said...

to increase authority and ranking on technorati, add on each of your post Technorati tags and ping technorati after every new post. Use Technorati tag editor for creating technorati tags.

Good Luck

GSL SEO Analyst said...

Your link: Technorati tag editor doesnot work...i have tried so many times but always Server Error is returned.

GSL said...

would like to see more tips from your side for web site promotions

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Anshu Garg said...

Hello GSL,

You can put in your list as well. It is a very useful tool to get complete domain information including Whois & other.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this wonderful list and i just want to know whether all these SEO tools will hold good for Multilingual Optimization.Have a look at this website and feel free to express your comments-

Anonymous said...

good post pal

Busby SEO Test

Azwar said...

good posting, and thanks for share information

blogger said...

Thanks a lot dear for sharing useful tools. These tools are really helpful for us regarding optimization of web sites.

Best Regards,