Saturday, February 20, 2010

SEO implications of Google Buzz

Google Buzz a completely new and rapidly growing Google's baby. Benefits are enough apart form entertainment like apart from static status updates you can share videos instantly and post link to pics and much more...

There is something serious attached with Google buzz from Search Engine Optimization point of view.

For all SEO pros Google Buzz can be exciting application and the most important aspects lies in:

1. To start with I'd define Google Buzz as below:
You Tube + Twitter + Flickr + picasa = GOOGLE BUZZ
Yes, its an application based on combination of You Tube, Twitter, Flickr and picasa.

2.The trust factor gives Priority that Google Buzz retains because its one of Google's production & definitely you have edge on it in Google Search Engine at least.

3.The fantastic 'auto-following' capability of Google to all those people you chat most, you mail most on your Google account- its more a kind of process that grows vi-rally. Its latest viral growing feature presented by Google that will expand automatically and all it needs is ignition at instant in beginning.

4. You can make your buzz public to the entire WORLD or you can keep it private to the smaller/close group you want. Fastest way to share worldwide with increased chances of fastest publicity as compare to other internet resources available to publicize something.

5. Built in capability to connect Flickr, Picasa, Twitter and Google Reader.

6.Get recommend from friends and world if you deserve. Moreover stay on top with friends by connecting Google Buzz to your phone.

7.No additional set up required to get started it's automatically embedded in Google account.

So what you are waiting for start using Buzz today

1 comment:

markeilve said...

I really do not know that all these, (you tube, picasa, flicker, twiter) made together google buzz. It's really wonderful. Thanks for the sharing.